FAQ & Links
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to the questions asked most commonly of OAEVT.
Q: What is the date for the 32nd Annual Maintenance Symposium for 2024
A: This Annual event will celebrate 32 years hosting training for the EVT. The date will be Monday September 23, 2024 thru Friday September 27, 2024. Mark it on your calendar so you don’t miss it.
Q: What is OEAVT’s relationship with EVTCC?
A: EVTCC, or the Emergency Vehicle Technician Certification Commission, is a third party that administers EVT tests. Its primary function is to test and certify emergency vehicle technicians. OAEVT trains technicians, while the EVTCC tests and certifies the technicians.
Q: When are membership dues collected?
A: Dues are included in your annual symposium registration. Individual and departmental memberships are valid from September to September. Corporate memberships are valid from January to January. You will receive a membership letter at the annual symposium. If you do not attend the symposium, an invoice will be sent to you in October. We ask that you pay your invoice as soon as possible so membership does not lapse and information continues to reach you.
Q: When are meetings and who may attend?
A: The association holds annual and quarterly meetings. The annual meeting is held at the September symposium. Quarterly meetings are held at The Ohio Fire Academy, unless otherwise announced. Notice of quarterly meeting information is e-mailed approximately one month before as well as posted to the web-site. Quarterly meetings include a short training class and a business meeting, where certificates of attendance are distributed. Meetings are open to all OAEVT members. We encourage all members to participate.